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Home > Study in Canada > Fairleigh Dickinson University - Vancouver Campus > Master of Science in Applied Computer Science - General

Master of Science in Applied Computer Science - General Fairleigh Dickinson University - Vancouver Campus Fairleigh Dickinson University - Vancouver Campus, Canada

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CAD 30687

Annual Tuition Fee

*Subject to change and other fees
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CAD 136 Waived

Application Fee

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24 months


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Program Overview

The Master of Science in Applied Computer Science (MSACS) is a 30 credit program that prepares students for the direct pursuit of productive careers in industry and for continued graduate study. The program educates professionals to become leaders in various areas of computer science ranging from software engineering to computer design, and from systems analysis to the management of information systems.

Program Highlights

  • The MSACS program at the Vancouver campus follows FDU’s Gildart Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering mission of preparing competent computer professionals and responsible global citizens.
  • Students learn to evaluate current and emerging technologies; identify user needs; design user-friendly interfaces; apply, configure and manage these technologies; and assess their impacts on an individual user, an organization, the environment, and society.
  • Students can choose between two specializations: database administration or advanced computer programming. Each specialization comprises four courses (12 credits).
  • Students who desire to pursue further studies can select the thesis-based stream. A Master’s thesis comprises 6 to 12 credits, depending on the contents of the thesis and the recommendation of the thesis supervisor and the thesis committee.

Program Objectives
The MSACS program will produce graduates who:

  • Enter into and advance their careers in the profession of computer science and its closely related fields.
  • Continue their education to obtain additional training, professional certifications, and/or advanced degrees, including Ph.D., in the fields of computer science, management information systems, business administration, or computer engineering.
  • Continue to develop as responsible professionals and global citizens who are mindful of ethical issues, societal needs, and problems inherent in the computing field.

Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the MSACS program will demonstrate the following knowledge, skills, and attributes:

  • An ability to gain and apply the knowledge of Computer Science theory to analyze problems, assess trade-offs, and develop creative solutions.
  • An ability to work effectively in teams and communicate with diverse audiences.
  • Understanding of the computing-related ethical and societal issues and their impact on individuals, organizations, and communities.
  • An ability to develop professionally and innovate with the deployment of computing technology.
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Additional Information

Program Level Master's Degree

College/University Processing Time 84 Days

Program Format Full-Time

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) work permit

Program Intake


Sep 2025, Jan 2026


Jan 2025, May 2024, May 2025, Sep 2024

General Admission Requirement

    • Minimum Overall Score - 6.5  Minimum Listening - 6.5  Minimum Reading - 6.5  Minimum Writing - 6.5  Minimum Speaking - 6.5  
    • Minimum Overall Score - 88.0  Minimum Listening - 12.0  Minimum Reading - 13.0  Minimum Writing - 21.0  Minimum Speaking - 18.0  
  • PTE
    • Minimum Overall Score - 59.0  Minimum Listening - 57.0  Minimum Reading - 60.0  Minimum Writing - 74.0  Minimum Speaking - 53.0  

Academic Requirement

  • Minimum Level of Education Required: To be accepted into this program, applicants must have graduated from an accredited 4-year bachelor’s degree program with an equivalent minimum grade point average of 2.75 (B-) on a 4.0 scale.
  • Students with lower GPAs can be considered for admission after a broad-based review of their overall academic profile and in combination with related work experience

6.5 IELTS Score
88 TOEFL Score Minimum Overall Score
59 PTE Score Minimum Overall Score
65% CGPA Minimum Overall Score

Similar Programs

Tuition Fee

The values given below are estimated figures, excluding extra charges like material fee, student activity fees, athletic fees, health care, etc., for courses. To know more, please visit the Programs page.

Average Tuition Fee Per Year


Tuition Fee

CAD 136 Waived

Application Fee

13500 Per year

Average Cost of Living

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The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

Check program website for more information about funding options.


1. Gregory H. Olsen Scholarship

The Gregory H. Olsen Scholarship offers students a prestigious scholarship opportunity available at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Vancouver Campus.

Scholarship Amount: USD $210 scholarship per credit

2023-2024 Undergraduate Tuition before Scholarship Gregory H. Olsen Scholarship Amount 2023-2024 Undergraduate Tuition after Scholarship
$700 per credit $210 per credit $490 per credit
$21000 for 30 credits (a regular fulltime, annual course load) $6300 for 30 credits $14700 for 30 credits

Eligibility: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) between 3.5 and 4.0. Renewable annually by maintaining a GPA of 3.00 or higher.

2. Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship

The Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship is a highly competitive award granted to freshman students with exceptional academic achievements.

Scholarship Amount: USD $455 scholarship per credit

2023-2024 Undergraduate Tuition before Scholarship Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship Amount 2023-2024 Undergraduate Tuition after Scholarship
$700 per credit $455 per credit $245 per credit
$21000 for 30 credits (a regular fulltime, annual course load) $13650 for 30 credits $7350 for 30 credits

Eligibility: CGPA between 3.5 and 4.0 and an SAT score of 1280 or higher.  

Renewable annually by maintaining a GPA of 3.00 or higher.

3. Global Scholars Grant

The Global Scholars Scholarship is an additional award offered to qualifying students who have been admitted to the Global Scholars Program. When applying to an undergraduate program, students should also complete the Global Scholars Questionnaire which is part of the application, where they can outline their interest and involvement in promoting issues of global importance and world citizenship.  

Recipients of the Global Scholars Grant receive an additional $2,000.00, which is awarded in increments of $250 over the first 8 consecutive terms of study.

Grant Amount:

USD$250 per term for the first 8 consecutive terms of study, in addition to any other eligible scholarships

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Complete the online undergraduate application form and attach the required documents to your application and the Global Scholars Questionnaire.
  • Admission to the Global Scholars Program.
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 or higher.
  • First-time, full-time freshmen and transfer students with 16 or fewer credits are eligible.

4. Global Leaders Grant

The Global Leaders Grant is an additional award offered to undergraduate FDU students who have demonstrated leadership, active community engagement and have contributed to enhancing the experience of other students at FDU.

Recipients of the Global Leaders Grant also receive an additional $1,000.00, which is awarded in increments of $250 over the first 4 consecutive terms of study.

Grant Amount:

USD$250 per term for the first 4 consecutive terms of study, in addition to any other eligible scholarships

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Complete the Global Leaders Grant application form.
  • Invitation from the Program Coordinator of the Global Scholars Program
  • Resume
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.5 or higher.

General Scholarship Renewal Requirements and Guidelines

To maintain your scholarship for the duration of your academic program, you will need to fulfill the following renewal requirements:

  • For scholarships and Global Scholars Grant maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00; for the Global Leaders Grant maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 after one year or study.
  • Enroll in and complete a full-time undergraduate course load.
  • Global Scholars Grant recipients must complete the three Global Scholars courses each Fall.
  • Institutional Scholarships are awarded on a per credit basis at the time of admission. They are not pro-rated in future terms to reflect adjustments in Tuition rates.
  • Scholarships and Grants for FDU Vancouver may not be used at other FDU campuses.

How is the scholarship reflected on my tuition?

The scholarship is applied to each credit you are enrolled in. The following table shows how the scholarship applies on a per credit basis, and for a typical annual course load of 30 credits.   

Scholarship Structure (USD)

  No Scholarship Gregory H. Olsen Scholarship Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship
  CGPA 2.0 – 3.4 CGPA 3.5 – 4.0 CGPA 3.5 – 4.0 + SAT > 1280
Regular Tuition Per Credit $700 $700 $700
Scholarship Per Credit $0 $210 $455
Tuition per credit after Scholarship $700 $490 $245
Annual Tuition after Scholarship (30 credits) $21,000 $14,700 $7,350

Scholarship Structure (USD) for Global Scholars Students

  Global Scholars Grant with no other scholarship Global Scholars Grant with Gregory H. Olsen Scholarship Global Scholars Grant with Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship
  CGPA 2.5 – 3.4 CGPA 3.5 – 4.0 CGPA 3.5 – 4.0 + SAT > 1280
Regular Tuition Per Credit $700 $700 $700
Scholarship Per Credit $0 $210 $455
Tuition per credit after Scholarship $700 $490 $245
 Annual Tuition after Scholarship (30 credits) $21000 $14700 $7350
Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant $250 $250 $250
Total Annual tuition after the Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant $20750 $14450 $7100


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