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Cost of Living in Major Canadian Cities for Students

Canada is the most popular study-abroad destination worldwide because of its world-class education. If you want to study there, you should know about the living cost of each city. Tap on the screen to know it for major Canadian cities.


Toronto is Canada’s largest city. The cost of various expenses per month in Toronto are as follows :
  • Accommodation - $1,000 - $1,500/ Month

  • Food: $300 - $450/Month

  • Public Transportation: $128/Month


Quebec has the lowest cost of living among all major cities as follows :
  • Accommodation - $500 - $900/Month

  • Food: $200 - $350/Month

  • Public Transportation: $89/month


The breakdown of the cost of living for Montreal is as follows: 
  • Accommodation - $600 - $1000/Month

  • Food: $250 - $400/Month

  • Public Transportation: $94/month

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