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Duolingo Cut Off for Abroad Universities

Duolingo offers an online language learning platform and a standardized language test called the Duolingo English Test. It's accepted by over 1,600 universities worldwide. However, cut-offs for top universities abroad may vary.
Duolingo Cut Off

The cut-off varies from university to university and country to country. But for a good university, the minimum score should be more than 100.

Basis to Use Duolingo Score

Many universities use Duolingo scores concordance with other English proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, etc.

Example of Universities Accepting Duolingo Score
  • The University of Alabama (USA)
  • Auburn University at Montogomery (USA)
  • Troy University (USA)
To know about the exam pattern and other details regarding Duolingo
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