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How to Crack the IELTS Exam in 15 Minutes?

Learning A to Z about IELTS in under 15 minutes is difficult, but here are some tips to help you out. Remember, these tips are for polishing your existing knowledge only, and you may still require expert guidance to pass your IELTS exam.
canamgroup Jul 26, 2024
Pay attention to tenses, sentence structure, and vocabulary to avoid errors. Practice writing within the limit to ensure well-developed ideas.

Writing Section

Practice speaking clearly and organizing your thoughts logically. Use a variety of words to demonstrate your fluency.

Speaking Section

Get comfortable with diverse accents - practice listening to international media. Use practice tests & try to identify key terms that help answer the questions.

Listening Section

Become a text ninja! Learn to identify key points and specific details quickly. Sharpen your skills with past papers and online resources.

Reading Section

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