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It is sent by the firm to the candidate with the job details.It is sent by the firm to the candidate with the job details.
It is sent by the candidate to the firm, confirming their willingness to accept the position.
It is sent after you accept the job that is offered. The key areas that an appointment letter outlines are the salary, welfare, privacy policies, location, and other necessary details about the job.
Sending a joining letter signals the end and the closure of the job searching procedure for the candidate.
An offer letter can be formal or informal, legally binding or non-binding.
If the job does not meet the expected salary, you may include a counter-offer in the joining letter.
After you receive an offer (or an appointment) letter from the firm, you should send a joining letter back to the organization. This shows your willingness to accept the job, and makes it your formal start of employment in the firm!