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Safety Tips for Students Studying Abroad

Undoubtedly, studying abroad is an incredible adventure but setting out in an unfamiliar territory can raise a few safety concerns. But staying vigilant and following some tips can help you dismiss this dilemma.

Research Beforehand

Before stepping out of your house invest proper time in researching your destination country, the housing, travel, culture, expenses, and everything about it.

Campus Awareness

Familiarize yourself with the campus layout, security offices, and emergency call points. Make a list of all emergency numbers of the country you are visiting.

Travel Safety

When traveling, take more lit and populated routes. Also, opt for licensed and marked taxi services especially when alone. Avoid carrying valuables while traveling.

Beware of Scammers

Always verify the details before making any payment be it for housing, utilities, etc. Avoid reverting to unsolicited calls and emails as it is an easy way to scam international students.

Cultural & Lingual Understanding

By knowing cultural standards, researching local customs, learning language basics, and maintaining an open mind, you can effectively manage emergencies.

Stay Connected

By informing family and friends about your whereabouts, utilizing communication apps, and acquiring a local SIM card, you can ensure seamless connectivity.

Build a Network

Make connections and a trusted group of friends. Remember, there's safety in numbers. So, connect with fellow students including locals and international.
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