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Tips to Write a Great SOP

A statement of purpose is a document that students write to a visa officer. It plays an important role in the visa process for studying abroad, so it should be genuine and well-written. Swipe to learn tips to write a great SOP.
Your SOP should be unique and genuine. So, you should refrain from copying and using content from SOPs available online in your statement of purpose.

Don’t Copy Paste!

Word count

You should ensure you don’t write a long SOP exceeding the 1500-word limit. Instead, your Statement of Purpose should be crisp and clear.


Your SOP should be well-written. So, you should try to use short, grammatically correct sentences. You can highlight your academic achievements.

Interactive Tone

You should try to write your Statement of Purpose in a conversational tone to make it interactive and interesting. This will improve its readability and develop cohesiveness.
Are you also struggling to write a great SOP? Then click on this link to learn some tips for writing a great SOP.
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