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Top 8 Prep Tips for PTE Listening Section 2023

The listening section of PTE test is 30-40 minutes long comprising of 8 questions of varied kinds. Tap next for some tips to know how to score well in all types of questions.
Summarize the Audio Well
Write a crisp and powerful summary with appropriate diction and the complete meaning concentrated in about 70 words.
Mark Answers when Sure (MCQ)
MCQs (multiple and single answer questions) are scored as negative when marked with a wrong answer, so answer only if confident.
Spell Words Correctly
While filling in the blanks in the transcript, double check for spelling errors. Only words spelled correctly will gain a mark
Not just Keywords, Remember their Co-relation
In the Highlight Correct Summary question, go beyond keywords to understand their relation with other words to help get to the correct answer.
Understand the Tone of the Language Used
Understanding the language and the bent of the matter helps ascertain answer in MCQ, selecting the missing word type questions.
Understand the Content of the Audio Closely
Knowing the context and predicting the content, will help solve MCQ and writing last words or phrases in such questions.
Understand Nuances of English Accent
If one has a good grasp of English accent, they will let no confusion arise for “Highlight Incorrect Words” question.
Know the Correct Use of Punctuation
Correct punctuation with a good understanding of short & long pauses will lead to excellent score in the dictation question.
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