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Top Challenges of Studying Abroad and How to Overcome Them

Studying abroad can be an enriching and life-changing experience. However, it’s also important to know about potential challenges beforehand. Here's a look at the top 5 hurdles you might face while studying abroad and their solutions.
canamgroup Jul 16, 2024

Financial Hurdles

Studying at a top university demands a huge amount of tuition fees along with other costs like living expenses, food, travel, and health insurance.

Financial Aid

To tackle the problem of financial burden you can look for scholarships provided by your university or the country’s government. Find affordable education loans.

Language Barriers

A person who has only made pasta his whole life is suddenly expected to make a burger. This is the situation when you have to speak a completely new language.

Watch Local Movies

To learn the language of that country you can simply start watching the movies which are popular there. You can also enrol in language courses.

Culture Shock

Going to a new country is like a fish has been taken out of the river and put in the sea. You suddenly feel discomfort and don’t know what to do.

Embrace the new culture

If you are in the sea it means you have a bigger place to explore new people, food and places. Adjust yourself, travel and make some good memories.

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