Adam's Wine IELTS Reading Answers Explained

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Dec 29,2023 12:44 PM IST

Navigating the IELTS reading section can be challenging but regular practice can help boost student’s performance and confidence. This practice blog on Adam’s Wine is a comprehensive practice passage aimed towards helping students get an idea of the IELTS reading section and learn time management to ease their test pressure. 

adams wine ielts reading answer.webpAdam’s Wine is a comprehensive IELTS passage tailored not just to enhance the candidate’s overall reading skills but also gives them a good read into the reality of our planet’s depleting conditions. The passage is important both through the perspective of an IELTS candidate and as the future leaders of this planet.

Tips to solve the IELTS reading task

Designed to evaluate the individual's reading skills and comprehension within a given timeframe, the IELTS reading task only differs in difficulty between the General vs Academic Training versions. Each version consists of 40 questions divided into three sections and candidates are given a total of 60 minutes to complete the entre task. Many students initially find it difficult to complete the blog following the time constraint and test pressure. 

Below are some general tips to help individuals approach the IELTS reading section more confidently.

Time ManagementCandidates have a total of 60 minutes to complete the 3 sections. Allocate 20 minutes to each section, adjusting based on individual comfort levels.
Read the QuestionsReading the questions before reading the paragraph makes it easier to understand the text and find answers with ease. 
Skim & ScanUtilize rapid scanning techniques to identify key elements such as titles, headings, and introductory/concluding sentences to identify the general themes and context of the given passage. 
Check Spelling & GrammarMake sure that the answers are clear and free of spelling or grammatical errors, especially if the question requires long form written answers.
Keyword IdentificationActively search for keywords and synonyms from the questions within the text, this helps in finding the answers faster. 
ProofreadRecheck answers thoroughly before submitting the test to check for any mistakes.  
Every candidate has their own distinctive strategy for understanding and solving the IELTS reading section. The above mentioned are only some general tips that can be implemented to improve overall performance.

Please read the instructions carefully given on each section before attempting the questions to avoid any mistakes while writing answers.

Adam's Wine

• Water is a life-giver as well as a life-taker. It spans the majority of our planet's surface and has had a significant role in human evolution. According to current projections, it is a factor that will become even more important.

• Water has played a vital role in our lives throughout history. Water has always had a thorny relationship with humanity, on one hand providing immense benefits not only as a supply of drinking water, but also as a source of food, a means of transportation, and a means of trade. However, because people have been obliged to live near water in order to survive and thrive, the relationship has not always been pleasant or productive. Contrary to popular belief, it has been the exact opposite. What started out as a survival necessity has turned out to have a highly destructive and life-threatening side in many cases.

• People and their environment have been hit by big floods and long droughts throughout history, making it harder for them to fight for their lives. The dramatic changes in the environment that we hear about in the news every day are not new. Fields that used to be green and full of life are now empty. Lakes and rivers that used to be full of life are now empty. Savana’s have become deserts. What might be new is our childlike amazement at the forces of nature.

• Today, we know more about how climates change around the world. Floods in faraway places have an immediate effect on the whole world. Maybe these things make us feel better when floods and other natural disasters are destroying our own property.

• In 2002, floods in several parts of Europe caused a lot of damage that cost billions of euros to fix. Properties all over the continent fell into the sea as waves thumped the coast and destroyed sea defenses. But it was not just the sea. Rivers that were deformed by heavy rains and the loss of trees carried large amounts of water that ruined many communities.

• The costly short-term solution is to build better and more sophisticated flood defenses along rivers. There are less complicated options. Tree planting in highland areas, not just in Europe, but also in locations like the Himalayas, to safeguard people living in low-lying areas like the Ganges Delta, is a less expensive and more appealing alternative. Countries are already being persuaded that the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses is affecting significant environmental damage. In this area, however, further work is needed.

• What about the future? According to projections, two-thirds of the world's population would be without fresh water by 2025. However, the future has arrived in a rising number of parts of the planet. While floods have wreaked havoc in certain areas, water scarcity is generating strife in others. The Rio Grande failed to reach the Gulf of Mexico for the first time in 50 years in the spring of 2002, pitting the region against the region as they compete for water supplies. Due to drought and growing water usage in many regions of the world, there is currently discussion of water becoming the new oil.

• Other doom-laden predictions claim that, as the polar ice caps melt, coastal regions and some low-lying islands will almost certainly be drowned by the water. Popular exotic sites, which are today frequented by tens of thousands of tourists, will become no-go zones. Today's vacation attractions in southern Europe and others will literally become hotspots, making them too hot to live in or visit. It's impossible not to despair in light of the current weather's irregular behavior.

• Some may argue that this pessimism is unfounded, but there has been plenty of evidence that something is wrong with the climate. Flooding has been destructive in many regions of the globe. The catastrophe shifts from one continent to the next as the seasons change. The cost of living is sad, and the environmental impact is worrying. We'll have to get used to it.

Adam's Wine: IELTS reading questions

Questions 1-8

Locating information, this reading passage has eight paragraphs labeled A-I.
Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-I from the list of headings below.
Note: Write the appropriate numbers i-xii, B-I in your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. Environmental change has always been with us
ii. The scarcity of water
iii. Rivers and seas cause damage
iv. Should we be despondent? Or realistic?
v. Disasters caused by the climate make us feel better
vi. Water, the provider of food vii What is water?
vii. How to solve flooding
viii. Far-flung flooding
ix. Humans' relationship with water
x. The destructive force of water in former times
xi. Flooding in the future
xii. A pessimistic view of the future

Questions 9-11

Multiple choice, choose the correct option (A-D)

9. The author contends that

• Every day, the news we read and watch on TV amazes us.
• We’re petrified in the face of environmental changes.
• Every day, the news we read and watch on TV should not amaze us.
• Nature has surprised us with its ability to alter the surroundings.

10. According to the writer,     

A) People do not need to become habituated to environmental destruction.
B) People will have to adapt to climate changes rather than harm the environment.
C) People are currently more accustomed to environmental devastation than in the past.
D) The widespread pessimism over environmental transformations is unjustified.

Questions 11- 13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?


True if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
False if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

11.Humanity's connection with water has always been fraught.
12.Half of the world's population will lack access to clean water in the year 2025. 
13.As the seasons change, the disaster moves from one continent to another.

Adam’s Wine Reading Answers Explained

Question 1-8

Locating information

1. x
Reference: Paragraph B
Lines: What started out as a survival necessity has turned out to have a highly destructive and life-threatening side in many cases.

2. i
Reference: Paragraph C
Lines: The dramatic changes in the environment that we hear about in the news every day are not new.

3. v
Reference: Paragraph D
Lines: Maybe these things make us feel better when floods and other natural disasters are destroying our own property.

4. iii
Reference: Paragraph E
Lines: Properties all over the continent fell into the sea as waves thumped the coast and destroyed sea defenses. But it was not just the sea. Rivers that were deformed by heavy rains.

5. viii
Reference: Paragraph F
Lines: The costly short-term solution is to build better and more sophisticated flood defenses along rivers. Tree planting in highland areas, not just in Europe, but also in locations like the Himalayas, to safeguard people living in low-lying areas like the Ganges Delta.

6. ii
Reference: Paragraph G
Lines: If we are to believe the forecasts, it is predicted that two third of the world population will be without fresh water by 2025. While some areas are devastated by flooding, scarcity of water in many other places is causing conflict. 

7. xiii
Reference: Paragraph H
Lines: As the polar ice caps melt, coastal regions and some low-lying islands will almost certainly be drowned by the water. Popular exotic sites will become no-go zones. Today's vacation attractions in southern Europe and others will literally become hotspots, making them too hot to live in or visit.

8. iv
Reference: Paragraph I
Lines: Some may argue that this pessimism is unfounded, but there has been plenty of evidence that something is wrong with the climate. The cost of living is sad, and the environmental impact is worrying. We'll have to get used to it.

Question 9-10

Multiple choice

9. D
Reference: Paragraph C
Lines: The dramatic changes to the environment that are now a feature of our daily news are not exactly new: fields that were once lush and fertile are now barren; lakes and rivers that were once teeming with life are now long gone; savannah has been turned to desert.

10. B
Reference: Paragraph I
Lines: As the seasons revolve, the focus of the destruction moves from one continent to another. The impact on the environment is alarming and the cost to life depressing. It is a picture to which we will need to become accustomed.

Question 11-13 

True or False

11. True
Reference: Paragraph B
Lines: Throughout history, water has had a huge impact on our lives. Humankind has always had a rather ambiguous relationship with water,

12. False
Reference: Paragraph G
Lines: If we are to believe the forecasts, it is predicted that two third of the world population will be without fresh water by 2025. 

13. True
Reference: Paragraph I
Lines: As the seasons revolve, the focus of the destruction moves from one continent to another.


Students should not feel disheartened if their answers are wrong or exceed the set time limit, instead students should focus on learning from their mistakes by working on more practice papers. Canamprep offers students access to a variety of IELTS practice passages, such as Adam's Wine, accompanied by step by step explanations for effective practice.

Connect with experts at Canamprep to get insights on how to prepare for the IELTS exam and dive into effective practice sessions and valuable strategies tailored to enhance the student’s overall performance. 


The difficulty level of clearing an IELTS depends upon each individual and their learning skills and abilities. While some might find it easy, others might need help to clear the exams. 
The IELTS reading test is 60 minutes long and is divided into three parts. Students are advised to spend 20 minutes at most on each section to manage time better. 
The IELTS reading test is divided into three sections and comprises various questions, including matching information, choosing titles, multiple choice, and true or false, among others. 
Candidates can attempt IELTS multiple times, and the number of attempts does not matter as the pattern and questions of the IELTS test change each time a student reappears for an exam, making it as new as their first attempt. 
The IELTS scores are valid for two years (24 months) from the month the results are received. The date the exam is attempted does not matter, as only the month of the test is kept in the count. 

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