IELTS Essays : Five Types of IELTS Essays

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Oct 25,2024 12:35 PM IST

The IELTS exam’s writing module’s writing task 2 consists of writing an essay. This blog first discusses a general essay structure, then moves on to present five different types of essays. The blog also gives out how to write each essay type with a sample answer for one of the essay types.

IELTS Essays : Five Types of IELTS Essays

Understanding the proper essay format for IELTS Writing Task 2 is a crucial ability that might mean the difference between receiving the band score you merit or not. In light of this, we have included below the most typical IELTS Writing Task 2 structures.

Almost all of my Task 2 essays have the following general structure:

  • Introduction
  • Main Body Paragraph 1
  • Main Body Paragraph 2
  • Conclusion

Depending on the type of question you are asked, you will use different sentences in each paragraph.

IELTS Essay – Different Types of Essays

The five IELTS Writing Task 2 questions are as follows:

1.Opinion – Agree/Disagree Type

2.Advantages/Disadvantages Type

3.Problem and Solution Type

4.Discussion Type – Discuss both views

5.Two-Part Question Type

I'll provide samples and a format for each type of question that has been endorsed by knowledgeable IELTS tutors and examiners below. Your IELTS band score should increase as a result of your ability to produce a concise, well-organized response. Please be aware that depending on the question, there are broad structures and these may change slightly.

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Opinion – Agree/Disagree Type

Common Question Words:

1.Do you agree or disagree?

2.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.What is your opinion?

Sample Question Some people believe that unpaid community service should be compulsory in high school programs (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).

Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay Structure for this Type


1.Paraphrase the question

2.Express your viewpoint and list the main ideas.

Main Body Paragraph 1

1.Topic Sentence

2.Elaborate upon the topic sentence

3.Give a relevant example

Main Body Paragraph 2

1.Topic Sentence

2.Elaborate upon the topic sentence

3.Give a relevant example


Summarize the main ideas and give your opinion

Sample Answer

It is believed that volunteering ought to be taught in schools. This essay wholeheartedly concurs with that recommendation because it aids students in acquiring crucial work experience while also helping them build soft skills.

Education should not only focus on academic subjects; students should also learn life skills like teamwork, empathy, and self-discipline. Community service is one of the finest ways to develop these talents. Serving those less fortunate than ourselves teaches us numerous lessons, like the importance of hard work and how to work with others from different backgrounds, allowing us to develop these qualities before we become adults. To boost their appreciation for what they have and to strengthen their work ethic, many young people from wealthy nations, for instance, take a year off from school to volunteer with those who are less fortunate than themselves.

These kinds of experiences are increasingly sought after by many institutions and employers. Since most graduates have similar grades, volunteering can help you stand out when applying to colleges compared to other students. For instance, Cambridge and Oxford only accept a small portion of the hundreds of applications from straight-A students each year. What you have accomplished outside of the classroom frequently sets you apart from the competition and secures you that desired position.

In conclusion, teens should be required to perform unpaid work as part of their education since doing so would enable them to obtain skills and knowledge that they might not otherwise learn from their teachers and will increase their likelihood of enrolling in third-level institutions.

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Advantages/Disadvantages Type

Common Essay Words

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages?

2.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Sample Question

Technology is being used more and more in education.

IELTS Essay Structure for this Type


1.Paraphrase the question

2.Write main ideas

Main Body Paragraph 1

1.Topic Sentence

2.Elaborate upon the topic sentence

3.Give a relevant example

Main Body Paragraph 2

1.Topic Sentence

2.Elaborate upon the topic sentence

3.Give a relevant example


Summarize the main ideas

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Problem and Solution Type

Common question words

1.Cause and Solution

2.Problem and Solution

Sample Question

Students are becoming more and more reliant on technology.

What are some of the problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the possible solutions?

IELTS Essay Structure for this Type


1.Paraphrase the question

2.Give an outline sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

1.Topic Sentence

2.Elaborate upon the topic sentence

3.Write a relevant example

Main Body Paragraph 2

1.Topic Sentence

2.Elaborate upon the topic sentence

3.Site a relevant example


Summarize the main point

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Discussion Type – Discuss both views

Common question words

Discuss both points of view and give your opinion

Sample Question

Technology is being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

IELTS Essay Structure for this Type


1.Paraphrase the statement or write both views

2.Write thesis statement

3.Give an outline sentence

4.Main Body Paragraph 1

Write the first viewpoint

1.Discuss this viewpoint

2.Give reasons why you agree or disagree with this first viewpoint

3.Write a relevant example to support this viewpoint

4.Main Body Paragraph 2

Write the second viewpoint

1.Discuss this viewpoint

2.Give reasons why you agree or disagree with this viewpoint

3.Write a relevant example to support this viewpoint


Summarize the essay

Write which viewpoint is better or more important

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Two-Part Question Type

Common question words

Typically, they will make a remark and then ask you to respond to specific questions.

Sample Question

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being.

What factor contributes to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

IELTS Essay structure for this Type


1.Paraphrase the question

2.Give an outline sentence stating both the questions

Main Body Paragraph 1

1.Write an answer to the first question

2.Explain the reason for the first question

3.Elaborate upon the first question further

4.Write an example

Main Body Paragraph 2

1.Write an answer to the second question

2.Explain the reason for your answer

3.Elaborate upon the second question further

4.Write a relevant example


Summarize the essay

The quality of your language and vocabulary as well as how well you respond to the question will determine your grade for the IELTS essay. Your score for coherence and cohesion will go up if you have a solid framework, but you must use relevant ideas and use them effectively to respond to the question.

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Five types of IELTS Essays are:

1. Opinion Essay
2. Discussion Essay
3. Direct Questions Essay
4. Advantage/Disadvantage Essay
5. Problem/Solution Essay
Though there are many types of essays, but they are generally categorized in four categories namely:

1. Argumentative
2. Expository
3. Narrative
4. Descriptive 
Following types of essays will help you identify them in IELTS exam:

Type 1 essays ask you to write your opinion and discuss some.
Type 2 essays ask you to write advantages and disadvantages of something.
Type 3 essays ask you to write problems and solutions on some topic.
Type 4 essays ask you to write answers to direct questions.
Type 5 essays ask you to agree or disagree on some topic.
The five parts in an IELTS essay are:

1. Introduction
2. First Body Paragraph with first main idea.
3. Second Body Paragraph with second main idea.
4. Third Body paragraph with third main idea.
5. Conclusion
IELTS essays are marked as the following marking criteria:

1. Task Response
2. Coherence and Cohesion
3. Lexical Resource
4. Grammatical Range & Accuracy

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