Believing These 8 Myths About IELTS Keeps You From Growing

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Apr 02,2024 09:49 AM IST

There are a few myths that are popular among students who prepare for IELTS which are discussed in this blog. 

Believing These 8 Myths About IELTS Keeps You From Growing.webpBelieving These 8 Myths About IELTS Keeps You From Growing

Once you start thinking about taking IELTS Examination, you might end up believing in certain myths and misconceptions about this test. Well, you need to check on certain myths, you might end up believing which can inhibit your growth and affect your IELTS Bands as well. Let’s do a fact check and dispel these myths!  

You don’t need formal preparation

The first misconception you might end up believing that can not only affect your IELTS score but can also stop you from improving your English proficiency is that you don’t need to formally prepare for the test. Well, that’s a myth! You need to get admitted in a formal course for IELTS preparation in order to get a good IELTS Score. Practice makes a man perfect that's the mantra here! 

To get the desired IELTS Score, I can practice as many IELTS Tests

The second myth is that if you wish to get a higher band score in IELTS, you can end up practicing innumerable IELTS Tests and will get the desired IELTS Score. To get the fact right here, IELTS does not test how well you know the format of the test, but how proficient you are at English. Although practice will help you to know about the test in advance, but the number of tests you practice can be limited. You should rather focus on improving your English language ability.

Western accent will boost my Speaking Test Bands

Many people tend to believe the myth that speaking in a British or American accent can help you score a higher band in your Speaking Test. To bust this myth, you should instead focus on having a natural accent and getting your English straight. You shouldn’t imitate any accent and should speak naturally and fluently. You might practice speaking with varied pitches and tones.

Also read: IELTS Exam dates 

The most essential component of IELTS Test is the Speaking module

Well, to correct you, let’s clear this myth that Speaking is the most important module of the IELTS Examination. The fact that all four modules of the Test (Writing, Listening, Reading, Speaking) have equal weight age, need to be looked into and well understood in order to dispel this myth. Speaking component alone is not the most important part of IELTS Test. 

Quality matters more than speed

You might argue that quality of English matters more than your speed of taking the test. To clear the airs, both these aspects are required and need to be taken care of if you wish to score higher bands in IELTS examination. Your level of English language won’t help you, if you are not able to finish all the questions in the IELTS Test within the given time frame. Therefore, you will need to improve your English language as well as practice completing your questions within the given time limit.  

It is impossible to score more than 7.0 Bands in IELTS

Many people get stuck with the opinion that they cannot score higher than 7.0 Bands in IELTS. That’s one of another misconception that people hold. If you focus on the right things, you might even score a perfect Band 9.0 as well. There’s no one stopping you from that.   

Also read: IELTS Test Centers

You need to include difficult vocabulary to get higher bands

Another myth that people hold on to about IELTS is that using difficult vocabulary words can help you get a higher band score. Well, No! That’s not the truth. When it comes to choosing the right words for IELTS examination, you need to take care that you choose the vocabulary that’s accurate and varied. It’s not about difficult words, it’s about choosing the right words that fit in within the scenario and showcase variety, and are not being repeated.

You need to have done schooling in English to score higher bands

The last of the myths I am going to talk about in this blog is that you need to have an English Speaking background to achieve higher bands in IELTS. This is just not the right fact, you can always improve upon the level of English Language you speak at any stage of your life and whatever level of English you might speak, there’s always scope for improvement. All you have to do is read English books, newspapers, practice writing as well speaking English and you might entertain yourself by watching English movies as well.

You need to bust the above 8 myths associated with IELTS test, if you want to grow in learning the English language and to score a higher band in the IELTS Examination.

Also read: IELTS Exam Fee


The academic pen-and-paper-based test is conducted 4 times in a month but the general training test is conducted twice a month. In case of the number of attempts, there is no limit in actual.
You cannot focus only on one specific module. All the modules play equal importance and you should pass all the modules according to your requirement of bands.
Scoring 7 is not difficult, all you need is to practice sentence variation and improve in all 4 parameters.
No, it is not required. A student is required to practice and improve the language. He can practice with anyone who can guide him professionally.
It all depends on one’s knowledge and practice. To know whether you are prepared or not, you may compare our weekly score along with mock test performance.

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