Common English Words Used in IELTS Speaking Test

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jan 16,2023 10:39 AM IST

A candidate's speaking abilities are tested in the Speaking module, thus certain requirements must be completed to perform well in this area. One of the most crucial elements of a person's English proficiency that is taken into consideration, in addition to fluency, grammatical accuracy, and pronunciation, is their vocabulary or the words they use in their IELTS speaking responses which is accounted as Lexical resource. However, IELTS applicants frequently struggle with choosing the right phrases to use in the speaking portion of the exam in order to make their responses appear more sophisticated and nuanced.

Common English Words Used in IELTS Speaking Test

If you're reading this, you're undoubtedly struggling to choose the right phrases for your IELTS speaking responses. While some people lean toward more popular and often used words, others think that uncommon and unique words are desirable.

Even though it's not a good idea to memorise answers, you can learn and practise talking about a number of typical themes that may come up during your Speaking exam.

Words/ Expressions/Phrases frequently used in the IELTS Speaking Test :

  • Fantastic- Extremely stunning or intimidating; causing awe

I know fantastic place which serves good Italian food.

  • Awful-The word awful is used to highlight the severity of something, particularly anything unpleasant or negative.

She flavoured the beverage with salt, which made it taste awful.

  • Averse- opposed to something or not in favour of it (often with a negative)

He appears to be averse to physical activity.

  • Vehemently- in a powerful and emotive manner

The king has refused to admit having an extramarital affair.

  • Merely- Just, only

It was only a gimmick.

  • Grim- troubled, serious, or sorrowful

As she broke the awful news to them, her expression was grim.

  • Emote- Express emotions especially through face

Wahaj emotes his emotions through his eyes.

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  • Notorious- well-known, frequently for a negative trait or action.

He was notorious from school times.

  • Qualify- To qualify is to satisfy a necessary requirement in order to be eligible for a specific reward or privilege.

He would unquestionably be qualified for the promotion.

  • Offensive- arousing resentment, agitation, or irritation in another.

Dan's nasty remarks to Robin offended Rob.

  • Case in point-example that shows or proves what is being discussed.

A case in point being Mawra’s wardrobe.

  • Penchant- an intense preference for something or inclination to do something.

Her family is concerned about her penchant to vanish for days at a time.

  • Off the mark- not as per desired result her marriage to him was off the mark.
  • Lately- Most recently; not too long ago the youngster has lately caused a lot of trouble.
  • Odds- the possibility or likelihood that something will occur or be the case the odds of our accident get high when you drive a car.

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To indicate you agree with something you can include following expressions

  • Totally concur
  • I fully agree with you
  • You are entirely correct
  • Without a question
  • Without a doubt/absolutely/exactly

When voicing a disagreement

  • I must say that I disagree.
  • You have a point, but...
  • That isn't always the case.
  • No, not always.

That's one perspective on the matter. However…

When guessing

  • I guess...
  • It might be...
  • I suppose that...
  • I'd say…
  • Possibly…
  • It seems likely or unlikely to me

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When stating personal opinion

  • I'll speak for myself...
  • Personally…
  • In my opinion
  • For me…
  • In my opinion...
  • I think so, anyway

Providing personal examples

In my opinion...

  • I recall the time...
  • What took place was...
  • Once (when)...
  • When I was younger,

Now, some people might object to usage of I in the IELTS speaking. But remember, it is important to be assertive. An essential communication skill is being assertive. You can explain yourself clearly and defend your viewpoint by being assertive.

Additionally, it can assist you in doing so while honouring the rights and convictions of others. By using I statements, you can communicate your thoughts and feelings to people without coming across as accusatory.

Say "I disagree," as opposed to "You're wrong," as an example. Say "I would like you to help with this" rather than "You need to do this" when making a request. Keep your requests concise, precise, and specific.

Try saying "No, I can't do it now" if you have trouble saying no to requests. Keep in mind that saying "no" is a complete phrase, therefore you are not required to give an explanation. Don't think twice; just say it. If an explanation is necessary, keep it to a minimum.

Note that a strong vocabulary can help you impress others, land you a job, and do better on difficult exams. Whether you are a working professional or a college/school student, English vocabulary is a necessary part of everyday life.

Nothing can stop you if your goal is to increase your vocabulary in English. In actuality, it's not too difficult to spread the English language around the world. Let us introduce you to some of the techniques for accomplishing the same!

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The quickest approach to increase your vocabulary in English is to read. It also gives you a variety of options; you can choose a book that suits your interests or read the newspaper every day to brush up on your general knowledge and current events while also learning a few new terms.

Note your words:

We cannot ignore the reality that dictionaries are the best resource for learning a word's definition. It is highly advised that you retain a personal dictionary in which you add newly learned terms and consult it occasionally for a quick review of your English vocabulary.

Find the word's origin:

This is a great advice for people who prefer to delve a little too deeply into the specifics! Investigate the word's origin to discover its root. In actuality, the majority of English vocabulary words have Greek or Latin roots.

You will be able to comprehend other words that come from the same root once you have a firm grasp on it. For instance, the Latin root -duc- is used in terms like produce and deduce.

Play vocabulary games in English:

There are many choices available thanks to the development of internet technology that will help expand English vocabulary. All the new words can be learned while having fun.

The best vocabulary-learning programs include Duolingo, Memrise, and QuizUp. You may improve your English vocabulary by playing crossword puzzle games like Scrabble and Crosswords.

Hope this blog helps you in bolstering your English vocabulary skills. But remember one thing you will learn it only once you start to do it. Keep practicing on your own.


Yes, idioms are used generally and are acceptable in IELTS Speaking since they make the language sound much more fluid and natural. The natural idiomatic language use, that distinguishes native English speakers from intermediate English language learners.
One of the greatest ways to increase vocabulary for the IELTS Speaking test is to be knowledgeable about a variety of vocabulary subjects, employ various memory strategies, concentrate on collocations, acquire new terms in context, and practice new vocabulary.
The IELTS Speaking test's main goal is to evaluate the candidates' spoken English competence. Candidates are evaluated on their capacity to express their ideas coherently.
IELTS speaking test candidates should refrain from memorizing any answers, using big and rare words, cliched phrases, fillers like you know, yeah and uh and speaking monotonously.
Prepare or practice well. Go through the set of topics which are covered here. The examiner can’t rephrase the question for you. Assuming that you forgot or didn’t get the question, he would repeat it for you but never tell the meaning. It is always better to develop your vocabulary that you don’t face such situation because it will reflect negatively on your understanding or proficiency of language.

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