Computer Delivered IELTS: Pros & Cons

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jan 13,2023 12:36 PM IST

IELTS first offered the choice for test-takers to take the exam on a computer rather than on paper about three years ago. Since that time, there have been 2 separate IELTS exams kinds depending on how the test is administered. These methods include computer-based testing (CBT) and paper-based testing (PBT). It is just one question students are asking that "Which one is easier?” Additionally, it is acknowledged as a CD IELTS test, which stands for computer-delivered IELTS.

Computer Delivered IELTS: Pros & Cons

The main distinction is that the Writing Reading, and Listening, assessments will be completed on a computer. Like the paper-delivered IELTS, the Speaking interview will continue to be conducted in person.

This holds true for both the Academic and General IELTS assessments. You will also receive your test results a little bit quicker. Your computer-delivered IELTS results arrive in 4-5 days. It takes roughly 13 to 14 days for the IELTS paper.

The IELTS examinations that are offered on the computer and on paper have the same question types, levels of difficulty, and durations. It is just the change in test-taking methods. This post will list the advantages and disadvantages we found and assist you in selecting the test that will enable you to achieve the required score.

Also read: IELTS test - Overview

Advantages of taking the exam offered by computer

Flexible centers

You attend it in a smaller area with fewer people, making it easier to focus and perhaps less stressful (some centres feature individual cubicles). There may be some flexibility about the time you take it at some test centres, such as in the morning or the afternoon, before or after the Speaking test.

Hassle-free Reading

When it comes to CD IELTS Reading, there is no problem of flipping the page. Many people especially those who are not in the habit of reading now, find it difficult to flip the page again and again. CD IELTS makes it easier for them to read by dividing the text and Questions on half and half screen.

Less Crowded centers

You take it in a smaller space with fewer people, making it easier to concentrate and perhaps less stressful (some centres feature individual cubicles).

It doesn't matter how you write

Don't be concerned if your handwriting is tough to read and understand. The computer-delivered IELTS is ideal for you if you feel like you have lost the touch with writing. IELTS that is computer-delivered aids in making your points more understandable to the examiner.

Also Read: Exam types for IELTS test

Simple to edit

Many of our students discovered that editing their writing was simpler when utilising a computer. As a result, they discovered that organising and structuring their essay was a lot simpler.

No worries of the word limit

The number of words in your essay will be automatically counted by the computer. Many of our students felt that having one less item to think about during the exam made it a little less stressful.

Navigation Bar

At the bottom, there is a Navigation Bar where you may view your progress and any missing answers. Throughout the allotted time, you have the option to go back and evaluate your responses.

Simply click the number you would like to review in the Navigation Bar; it will be highlighted. You can manage your own time and move back and forth anytime you wish, just like in the paper IELTS test (using the Back and Forward arrows).

You do not need to press enter because your responses are immediately saved (you can change your answers anytime).

Less Wait for Results

Results are released on the 4th or 5th working day of the test which means you no longer have to be nervous about the results.

Also read: How to register for an IELTS test

Computer Skills

You do need to know how to use a computer, which may seem obvious. You must be able to click, clear, navigate, scroll, highlight, drag and type, copy, and paste) fast while paying attention to the test. If you are unfamiliar with these computer skills, you risk wasting time.

Distractions via Typing

If you're the type of person who needs absolute silence when taking an exam, the sound of many computers typing nearby might disturb you. There are a lot of perks and drawbacks to taking the IELTS exam on a computer.

It's crucial to understand that they won't ever affect your performance or score or help you get a better grade. Only the experience of your exam will be impacted by them.
Students who attribute their failure to the IELTS test hardly ever meet the necessary standards.

The reason is that pupils who hold this mentality find it difficult to accept criticism and work on their flaws. Better approach will be that you work on your drawbacks.

Also read: Syllabus for IELTS exam


No, the two examinations have identical material; the only difference

is in the way the questions are answered. In a computer-based test

(CBT), you will enter your answers electronically rather than on


No. Since the test centre will supply all necessary equipment and no

additional equipment is allowed, there is no need for you to bring

your keyboard or laptop.

The scoring system is the same in every way. The only distinction is

how the answers are entered.

The CD IELTS is being made available so that those who are accustomed

to typing on computers can take advantage of it and take the test on a

computer. If you can type quickly, you should take the computer-based

test. If you struggle with typing or reading on a computer, you must

take the test on paper.

Writing and Speaking are still scored by certified Examiners, while

the IELTS Reading and Listening components are marked automatically by

the computer.

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