IELTS Table Band Score 9 Model Answer

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 21,2023 03:18 PM IST

The blog lists an IELTS Table sample question and then moves on to present two separate answers for the same table sample question. The first answer is a basic one while the next answer is a band score 9 sample answer. They have been written for the students to make a comparison. The blog ends with a few tips that students ought to keep in mind before writing a band score 9 answer for IELTS table questions.

IELTS Table Band Score 9 Model Answer

The question presented below is an IELTS Writing Task 1 that lists data in a table. The question further asks you to write a report using the data in this table in at least 150 words. A band score 9 or an advanced-level answer has also been included thereafter.

IELTS Table - Sample Question

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Average distance in miles traveled per person per year, by mode of travel

  1985 2000
Walking 255 237
Bicycle 51 41
Local Bus 3199 4806
Long distance bus 54 124
Train 289 366
Taxi 13 42
Other 450 585
All modes 4740 6475

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What do you need to remember before writing an answer?

1.The years on the table are two. Trends don't exist. The only difference is from one year to the next. Just listing the data, such as "In 1985 A was x, but in 2000 A was y," is not a good idea. You have to compare things. Whose size was the largest? Which one was the smallest?

2.Use paragraphs, please! considers how to clearly organize the information. Typically, you should begin with (i) Introduction and (ii) Overview (iii) Body Paragraph 1 (iv)Body Paragraph 2.

3.Consider which categories increased and which categories dropped as you try to organize the data. Although it is more challenging, you can also put them into groups according to characteristics they share, such as using public transportation or being non-motorized.

4.When you report the statistics, try to use a variety of synonyms. For instance, if you say "increase" once, say "go up," "climb," "raise," etc. the next time. Also remember to change grammatical structures(for example, "a substantial rise" vs. "increased greatly").

5.Keep in mind that your report MUST include an overview that informs the reader of the crucial information (what stands out or is most noticeable). This section shouldn't contain any specific data.

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IELTS Table - Basic Answer

The table details the various modes of transportation in England between 1985 and 2000.

Overall, people traveled more miles annually in 2000 than they did in 1985, despite declines in walking, bicycling, and local bus usage.

The typical person traveled 4740 miles annually in 1985. However, by 2000, this had almost doubled to 6500 miles annually. Car (3199 to 4806) and train saw the largest increases in total miles traveled (289 to 366). The average distance covered by long-distance buses increased from 54 to 124 miles, more than doubling, while the average distance covered by taxis increased significantly from 13 to 42 miles.

On the other hand, local bus mileage drastically decreased from 429 to 274. The typical miles traveled on foot and by bicycle also saw slight decreases. Walking decreased from 255 to 237 miles per year, while cycling dropped from 51 to 41 miles. The number of miles traveled by "other" modes of transportation also increased, rising from 450 in 1985 to 585 in 2000.

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IELTS Table - Band Score 9 Answer

The table gives a general summary of the average distance traveled between 1985 and 2000 by a typical person in the UK using different modes of transportation.

Overall, it is immediately apparent that over the fifteen years, the number of miles traveled annually by the average person increased significantly, but the typical distance traveled by each particular mode of transportation varied significantly.

The average number of miles driven per year by the car, which was the most popular mode of transportation in both years, increased significantly from 3199 to 4806. Long-distance bus and train travel also increased significantly, with the former increasing from 54 to 124 miles and the latter from 289 to 366 miles. Travel by taxi saw the highest proportional increase in average miles, more than tripling from 13 to 42 miles per year.

Walking and cycling, on the other hand, witnessed a modest decline in overall average miles traveled. Cycling saw a fall from 51 to 41 miles, while walking saw a decrease from 255 to 237 miles. Lastly, it should be emphasized that the number of "other" types of transportation increased by slightly under a third to 585 in 2000.

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Tips for writing IELTS Table Answers

  • You need to write all your key features of the given table in the overview. Remember, just one key feature is not enough.
  • Organize your answer to IELTS Table questions in paragraphs.
  • Not all details in the table need to be written. You can group the listed details in the table in averages or ranges as well.
  • Do not write too many details in your answer, Select a few and explain them properly.
  • You have to make sure that you write at least 150 words but you should aim for writing about 180 words.
  • You need to use a variety of linking words or connectors in your answer, e.g. on the other hand, conversely, as compared to, in comparison etcetera.
  • You need to be careful while writing sentence structures. Use a variety of grammatical structures and avoid repetition.
  • There is a limit to how many synonyms you can use for a word. Some words will still be repeated. As long as you have paraphrased these words and have avoided grammatical mistakes, you should be fine.

Also read: IELTS - Overview


It’s not a good idea to just list the information. You must make comparisons. Who had the largest size? What was the tiniest one?
It is always asked to use paragraphs and think about how information is clearly organized. You should often start with (i) an introduction, (ii) an overview, (iii) body paragraph 1, followed by (iv) body paragraph 2.
You must incorporate a variety of connecting phrases into your response such as on the other hand, conversely, as compared to, etc.
You should be alright as long as you accurately paraphrased these words and avoided any grammar errors.
The word count should remain between 150-180 words.

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