Enhance Your IELTS Vocabulary for Environment

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 04,2024 11:31 AM IST

  • Learn new words and phrases related to the environment.
  • Practice using these words in everyday conversation with friends and family.
  • Improve your knowledge of environmental issues by reading news articles, documentaries and scientific journals.
  • Discuss various environmental issues with your peers and write short essays on topics related to it.

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Vocabulary is a matter of word-building as well as word-using

David Crystal, a notable British linguist, suggests that a strong vocabulary is crucial in understanding how words are formed and appropriately using them in different contexts. Incorporating the same principle in the IELTS preparation helps students aim for higher band scores on the test.

Within the IELTS  Speaking module, test-takers can be asked questions related to the environment. A vast topic such as Environment requires students to express their ideas coherently through real-life examples. 

Words to Enhance Environment Vocabulary for IELTS

The table hereunder will help students familiarize themselves with vocabulary that can be used for the environmental topic of the IELTS exam and aim for 8 bands.

Hereunder are a few vocabulary words that can be used for the "Environment" topic of the IELTS exam.

Word/PhraseMeaningCommon CollocationsExample
BiodiversityAll the different kinds of life are found in one area- animals, fungi, and microorganisms like bacteria. They maintain balance and support life.Rich biodiversity, Loss of biodiversity, Conservation of biodiversity, Threat to cultural diversity, Habitat restoration, Species Conservation, Biodiversity economics, Future of biodiversity, biodiversity policyInvesting in biodiversity is essential for the well-being of our future.
Climate ChangeSignificant variation of average weather conditions.Greenhouse gas emissions, Fossil fuel dependence, Industrial activity, Rising sea levels, Food insecurity, displacement and migration, Climate Policy, Climate crisis, Climate resilienceClimate change is not a future threat; it’s a present reality demanding solutions.
ConservationThe process of using water, gas, electricity, etc., carefully in order not to waste it.Preserving cultural heritage, Protecting biodiversity, Energy conservation, Water conservation, and Habitat conservation.The foundation set aside a quarter of its funds for conservation and research.
DeforestationThe cutting down of trees in a large area or the destruction of forests by people.Logging, Infrastructure development, Habitat loss, Soil erosion, Forest degradation, Zero-degradation.Deforestation is a major reason for floods and droughts in a region.
Endangered SpeciesA species considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Critically endangered species, Vulnerable species, Habitat loss and fragmentation, Poaching and illegal wildlife trade, Habitat protection and restoration, Ex-situ conservation.Saving endangered species is not a cost but an investment in a healthy planet for the future.
EcosystemAll the plants, animals, and people living in an area are considered together with their environment as a system of relationships.Terrestrial ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystem, Marine ecosystem, Biodiversity, Food chain, Pollution, Climate Change, Invasive species.If water used in industries is not appropriately treated before release, the chemicals can contaminate our ecosystem.
EnvironmentalismAn interest in or the study of the environment to protect it from damage by human activities.Pollution reduction,  Environmental activism, Green technology, Transition to a green economy.Even after facing backlash from family and well-wishers, Sean advocated for environmentalism, labour issues, and social justice. 
Global WarmingA gradual increase in the earth’s temperature, caused by gases, esp. carbon dioxide, surrounding the earth.Greenhouse gas emissions, Agricultural practices, Rising global temperatures, Sea level rise, Ocean acidificationHeatwaves and floods have become more frequent and intense each year due to the increasing global warming.
HabitatThe natural surroundings in which an animal or plant usually lives.Natural habitat, Degraded habitat, Marine habitat, Restored habitat, Habitat fragmentation, Habitat management, Habitat conservationWe must create a welcoming habitat for birds in our backyards.
PollutionDamage caused to water, air, etc., by harmful substances or waste.Air pollution, Waste Disposal, Deforestation, Human Health Impacts, Economic Losses, Pollution prevention, Pollution cleanup, Pollution toleranceThe farmer dreams of a future where soil nurtures life, not poisoned by chemical pollution.
ResourceSomething useful to mankind.Natural resources, Renewable resources, Resource conservation, Sustainable resource management, Resource management plan, Resource independenceTime, often an overlooked resource, is now their most valuable asset as they race against the clock to avert disaster.
Renewable EnergyEnergy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed.Solar power, Hydropower, Tidal and wave energy, Environmentally friendly, Renewable resources, Technological advancements, Infrastructure investment, Grid modernization, International cooperationThe cost of solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy is getting cheaper for mankind. 
VegetationPlants in general or the plants that are found in a particular area.Dense vegetation, Sparse vegetation, Lush green vegetation, Withered vegetation, Vegetation growth, Vegetation mapping, Vegetation monitoringAlex walked across the hilly terrain with dense vegetation to witness the sunrise.
VeganismThe practice of not eating or using any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather.Vegan alternatives, nutrient-rich,  have ethical considerations, reduced risk of chronic diseases, enhanced gut health, and focus on individual dietVeganism is believed to be difficult until a person gives it a shot.

Idioms Related to Environment

Reduce, Reuse, RecycleIt encourages people to waste less and use things repeatedly to protect the environment.Instead of buying new wrapping paper, Tina opted to reuse old newspapers. 
To go greenMake changes in one’s lifestyle to protect the environmentThe company is committed to going green and has implemented many energy-saving initiatives.
To have a green thumbTo have the ability to grow plantsJanet inherited the green thumb from her grandmother, who taught her the importance of nurturing life from soil. 
To go solarTo collect solar energy by using solar energy panels.Evaluating the rising energy costs, families in my town decided to go solar and invest in rooftop panels.

How to Improve IELTS Speaking Vocabulary?

Students can master their IELTS Speaking test  by improving their vocabulary through the following strategies:


Read newspapers and magazinesReading diversely is one of the fastest ways to improve vocabulary for an IELTS exam. Whether it is a newspaper or a bestselling novel, these publications have much to offer. In case a student stumbles upon a word or phrase that is difficult to understand, they can refer to a dictionary and find its meaning. These new words or phrases can be beneficial for everyday conversations. 
Watch the news every nightStudents can pick up new words or phrases by observing a news presenter. They can observe how these are woven into the bulletin to make a point. Students who enjoy watching fictional shows or talk shows must watch them to learn and expand their IELTS vocabulary. Turning the subtitles on while watching these shows can help students follow dialogues better. Doing so will help them correlate new words with images. 
Explore various disciplinesOne of the best ways to improve vocabulary is to read various topics. When preparing for the topic of Environment, it is important to familiarise themselves with how different words play an important part in bringing their ideas to life. They must understand climate change, pollution, biodiversity, natural resources, environmental policies, and other such topics. 
Make a list of synonymsSomething that every student must know about IELTS is that the test examines the depth of their vocabulary range. Repetition of a word will impact their score. Synonyms play a crucial role in all sections of the IELTS exam. They can be used in collocations. 

For example, instead of saying, ‘The chemical factory must be closed,’ the student can convey the same point with ‘The chemical factory must be sealed.’


Students must be consistent with their practice when preparing for the IELTS exam. They must explore different ways to improve their vocabulary, from reading diverse material to conversing with their loved ones. Connecting with expert language trainers from Canamprep will help them enhance their vocabulary within the realm of the environment. A rich vocabulary will help students demonstrate their linguistic competence and impress their IELTS examiners.


Students can incorporate environment vocabulary into daily conversations, have detailed speaking sessions with practice partners, and reach out to the language experts at Canamprep.

Students can use informal language in the IELTS speaking test. They must avoid repeating themselves too much. They must rely on it only partially. It is important to sound natural and conversational in the conversation.

To improve environment vocabulary for IELTS, students can log in to the Canamprep website and elevate their preparation with free resources. They can also strengthen their language skills from Cambridge-trained faculty.

It is important to expand knowledge through news articles, documentaries, and scientific journals. Students can also build their vocabulary through synonyms, antonyms, collocations and idioms. They can also discuss environmental issues with friends along with writing short essays on related topics.

When using vocabulary related to environment topic, they often struggle with similar sounding-words, such as contamination, pollution, and depletion. A lack of diverse vocabulary and limited knowledge of complex issues along with difficulty in tailoring the vocabulary to different tasks are some of the common areas where students need help. 

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