Report Writing For Academic Task 1 in IELTS Writing

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 28,2023 05:42 PM IST

The blog provides the information regarding the writing task 1 in IELTS (academic) writing . Different topics are covered that are useful while writing the task like introduction, overview, connectors , vocabulary words, use of various types of compound and complex sentences with grammar also. Moreover, four parameters that are Task achievement, Coherence and cohesion, Lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy are explained on the basis of which student will be assessed. 

Report Writing For Academic Task 1 in IELTS Writing.webpThe task includes writing of about (150-170 words) on the given graph (pie chart, line graph, bar graph, table, diagram or flow chart).Practice to write the report in 20 minutes. Do not take more time as task-2 is worth double marks. There are four criteria for which a student will be evaluated. These are:

  • Task achievement (how well you do the task) 25%
  • Coherence and cohesion (organization and linking of ideas & sentences) 25%
  • Lexical resource (vocabulary) 25%
  • Grammatical range and accuracy 25%

The above listed four criteria are equally important:


The introduction is the easiest paragraph to write. Try to reword / rephrase the words given in the question for a good introduction. For example: The question says: The graph shows life expectancy for males and females in India from 1990 to 2025. It can be rephrased as: The graph gives average length of life for men and women in India between 1990 to 2025. The figures from 2018 onwards are projections. The introduction is quite simple and one has to follow the set procedure to write it.


An overview is the most essential paragraph in report writing. The key features make up the content of the overview. When you look at a given chart, what single overall comment you could make about the information is a good overview. For Example for the above graph: It shows a significant rise in life expectancy for both the genders.

Also read: IELTS -Overview


To get a good band score, it is important to use wide range of vocabulary and you need to paraphrase whenever possible. Use different synonyms (language of change) For example: increase – goes up – surges – rises Make use of adjectives and adverbs to show the degree of change by using words like significant / significantly, sharp/sharply, gradual/gradually, dramatic/dramatically. Spellings are also important criterion for marking, so make sure you don’t make spelling mistakes.


To get a higher band score you need to work on complex sentence structures and pay attention to your subject-verb agreement and tenses.


Linking devices are part of the criterion of coherence and cohesion which makes up 25% of your marks. Try to incorporate a range of linking devices that connect information together and compare information in a coherent way. Use connectors like in addition, moreover, furthermore – to link similar idea. Or However, on the other hand, while – to compare the given data. Different graphs use different linkers so practice each type of task to see the best linking devices to use.

Also read: IELTS Eligibility


  • Does it say what the data is about?

  • Does it avoid repeating the words in the question?

  • Does it give a strong, effective overview?


  • Is there a logical order of paragraphs


  • Does each paragraph have a clear point or set of points?

  • Do sentences follow on logically from each other?

  • Does the writer use language well to link sentences together?

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Also read: IELTS Exam type


It is important to write a clear introduction followed by overall .Additionally, key features and comparisons should be included in the task.
Do not copy the words from the question statement and no assumptions to be included in the writing task. 
The candidate should complete the task 1 within 20 minutes including proof reading to avoid any grammatical errors
There is no need to include every detail. Candidate needs to mention main features and make comparison where relevant. 
Good range of vocabulary, understanding of collocations and task will help to get desired band scores. 

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